Visual Timeline: Sioux War Chief Gall

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1840 CE 1850 CE 1860 CE 1870 CE 1880 CE 1890 CE  
1840 CE - 1894 CE: Life of Sioux war chief Gall.
1863 CE - 1866 CE: Sioux war chief Gall is active in raids on white settlers on the Bozeman Trail.
1866 CE - 1868 CE: Sioux war chief Gall fights in Red Cloud's War.
1868 CE - 1876 CE: Rain-in-the-Face follows Sitting Bull and Sioux war chief Gall in continuing to resist US government's expansionist policies.
1868 CE: Sioux war chief Gall refuses to sign the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868, continues to resist US government policies of expansion.
1876 CE - 1877 CE: Sioux war chief Gall is a strategist for Sitting Bull during the Great Sioux War.
1876 CE: Sioux war chief Gall defeats Major Reno at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
1877 CE: Rain-in-the-Face retreats to Canada with Sitting Bull and Sioux War Chief Gall.
1877 CE: Sioux war chief Gall follows Sitting Bull on his retreat into Canada.
1881 CE: Gall returns to the United States and surrenders; is arrested and sent to Standing Rock Agency reservation.
1882 CE - 1894 CE: Sioux war chief Gall serves as a judge and liaison between the Sioux and the US government until his death in 1894.
1840 CE 1850 CE 1860 CE 1870 CE 1880 CE 1890 CE